Saturday, February 6, 2010

Typical Shingles (Herpes Zoster).prodrome,active infection,syndrome known as postherpetic neuralgia - (ZAP).

Shingles nearly always occurs in adults. It develops on one side of the body. Usually two, and sometimes three, identifiable symptom stages occur:

The first is known as the prodrome, a cluster of warning symptoms that appear before the outbreak of the infection.
The second stage comprises the symptoms of the active infection itself.
In many patients, a third syndrome known as postherpetic neuralgia later develops.
Pain is so common to all stages of herpes zoster that doctors often refer to all syndromes with a single term: Zoster-Associated Pain (ZAP).

Prodrome (Pain).

Pain is the primary early symptom for shingles, and it occurs in all patients. The pain most often occurs in the skin at the site of the re-activated virus. The pain may be experienced as sharp, aching, piercing, tearing, or similar to an electric shock.
The affected skin may itch, feel numb, and be unbearably sensitive to touch. Often the patient experiences a combination of these sensations along with pain.
In addition, some patients may have flu-like symptoms such as muscle aches. (Some people have fever, but it is uncommon.)
The prodrome stage lasts 1 - 5 days before the infection becomes active and the skin rash erupts. Occasionally, the pain can last weeks or even months before the rash erupts.

Active Shingles. The rash that marks the active infection follows the same track of inflamed nerves as the prodrome pain. Between 50 - 60% of cases occur on the trunk. The second most common site is the head, particularly on one side of the face. It may also erupt on the neck or lower back. If the face is affected, there is a danger that the infection can spread to the eye or mouth. A rash that follows the side of the nose is a warning that the cornea of the eye is in danger.

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